history! ♥
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
11:04 PM
Today's math paper is damn difficult leh! wah liao.
Lose hope liao ler lah,paper one also so hard liao ler!
Tsk tsk, die liao ler lah. So difficult leh!
Now everyone very young gong, one by
one telling me bye beecuz they wan go study ler.
Qing Wen more funny. Hitler waiting for him!
Natural joker ah this guy. Stalin kill u! haha.
okok so i also have to go and study history lah.
they all go study how can i lag behind right.
I am kiasu number 1 haha no lah.
Tomorrow Kianru say wanna buy me milo.
So sweet hor. got milo tmr. provided the queue tmr
is not long if not i got no milo to drink liao ler.
Always i mention her in my blog,she dun wan
mention me in her blog! PIG!(cute piggy)
she did mention me in one sentence lah alright!
haha ONE SENTENCE hor! u all dun have! haha
okie i have to go and study liao ler lah.
MAO is waiting for me.
physic die ♥
Monday, April 28, 2008
8:26 PM
Today's science paper gg liao.
mcq still okay lah but phy paper 2 die liao ler leh.
all i like dunno how to do.
that's the price i have to pay for not studying.
nxt up is math,ltr going to do soe math.
aw i never go rmb the formula leh.
i sure will die de.
paper two confirm very hard one leh.
mid year faster pass lah.
today nv do anything much. so ltr must go study.
okay bah everyone, i dunno wad to blog abt ler.
Jiayou for ur mid year!
mother tongue intensive is coming! death is near!
takkair everyone!
boring sunday ♥
Sunday, April 27, 2008
10:03 PM
Today play soccer in the morning.
call qing wen so many times nv ans.
i thought he sleeping leh.
okay ah today's game.
getting more and more ppl liao ler.
nothing to talk about.
okay i now very sian also liao ler lah.
very bored oso dunno wad to say.
bye everyone.
man u vs chelsea ♥
Saturday, April 26, 2008
10:17 PM
yesterday i sleep at 2 plus leh.
then morning i 9 plus jiu wake up.
wani woke me up lor.
Haha,she wanted to pass me things. (:
so i got up early d/l audition for dear kianru.
then today go ah ma house watch soccer match.
so fun but the match so rough!
Ronaldo come out only got ppl push him.
FUCK! haha see them play i oso fustrated.
but really funny lah.
end up penalty kick for chelsea.
haix then they get to win.
haha. good for them.
tmr soccer also.
must kick like ronaldo.
like real only.
see you guys! love yo!
Chinese Sux ♥
Friday, April 25, 2008
8:26 PM
Today had our mother tongue paper.
totally sux to the core lor. didn't finish both p1 p2.
i dunno i spent how long checking the dictionary.
compo i dun even know the question because i dun even know how to read.
so i ended up doing dunno wad kind of stupid questions.
"life is not always a smooth ride" please write about ur view and an example and how u felt back then.
so lame.end up i write 3/4 page nia and letter writting 1 3/4page.
for two hours i write that long i die liao luh.
Yesterday was English paper.
i wrote 5 sides for compo and 3 side for letter writing.
SEE English can write a lot a lot,
but mother tongue can barely write that much.
Composition i write 800 plus words and letter 400 plus words.
write until my hand tired.
yesterday also social studies paper.
yesterday write a lot a lot jiu dui liao.
Social studies didn't manage to finish the structured essay 2b.
i think my source base sux leh.
Think must go hone my skills liao ler.
Math is coming,during the week end muz try to do math.
Then read up history lor.
try to during the weekends study if i can not be distracted.
think i am tired toady also.
Everyday i am tired recently,but today's weather not nice
quite hot wor. not good to sleep.
hao bah i shall end here.
bye everyone!
Social Studies ♥
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
10:18 PM
Today is the first test of MYE.
Practical! haha,i was worried yesterday about today's practical,
but everything seems alright leh. (:
Good news? haha. think it should not be a problem for phy bah.
Chem i dunno i quite blur.
when test for gas i added limewater into solution.
action is use the straw like thing and put into the limewater de.
luckily i started early and had time to do again.
Aiya even if never do also i put carbon dioxide.
Because behind there the QA notes got give mah.
Then carbon dioxide is the most sensible de ans.
Solution X is PB 2+.
That's my ans. is that ur ans too?
It's was between Al and Pb mah.
i decided to choose Pb for some reasons lor.
okay enough of exams liao ler.
anw tmr ss.OMG! haha i now then know.
today after school in bus saw xing hui.
then i tell qing wen lah.
then normal reaction lor. call him.
then ask him wanna slack not.
end up went to somewhere near my house to slack.
until 3 plus yup!
nth special,just talk talk lah.
now i studying for ss.
Diplomacy and Deterrence.
so bored this chapter.Blah Blah.
must solve peacefully,enhance peace and prosperity.
ya i continue to go study liao.
Blogging waste of time?
haha qing wen said that!
bye everyone
Labels: Social Studies
The day before MYE starts ♥
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
7:43 PM
Tomorrow is the start of mid year exams ler.
dunno how to say leh,never prepared much.
feel quite gulity.
this exam have to play by ear liao ler lor.
Every next coming test i'll study for it.
this is call ling shi bao fo jiao (:
hope i will manage this time around to come back for prelim.
I know they say our mid year we will not make it de.
so i aim all juz pass lor.
not too high not too low.
i am in fact more worried about my math.
If this time i dun do well then tell mr teo i drop band.
dun wan stay in that band liao ler also lah.
ok enough of the mid year thing,cannot spoil mood.
today neh,shafiq made chong soon angry.
haha. actually it started with kong jiak de lor!
then shafiq played with him then,the car started the engine liao.
Voom! chase after shafiq.
wah end up angry go kick table then walk off.style?
flying kick! haha. not style man!
okok i go study ss and some formats liao bye everyone.
good luck to ur exams.
Monday ♥
Monday, April 21, 2008
9:13 PM
Today is the first day of the week.
The worst day of the month! OMG!
But today i didn't have a very bad bad day!
Bamboo came to school today.
So fun can disturb him all over again,although i always lost.
Today i won? i say him liao i ran away.
Is that counted leh? yes lah i dun care!
I sent her home(:
that walked home alone..
anyone had any idea how hot it was! #@!%$!@#
Why aft raining liao then so hot! wah liew!
sweat like....wad likdat haha.
but seriously lah very hot leh!
until now at night also hot really!
tonight at msn chat with...special mention of today [EVELYN]!
Haha,and then of course my dear kianru.
u all dun think i bei pan her okay!
we conference okay and i nv flirt hor.
i so guai de (:
hao lah today nothing to talk.
peace all out to u all?!
does it seems familar from somewhere?
Labels: HOT
Bowling ♥
Sunday, April 20, 2008
4:25 PM
Yesterday i didn't blog because i went home late and by the time tired liao.
i also forgotten wad i do in the morning,muz let me think.
Oh i went for breakfast at bk.
oh.. and i go to queensway with kong jiak,qing wen and chong soon.
went there onli walk walk nia, because they wanted to order the shorts and get it printed.
we went around wan walk walk while waiting for the shorts to be printed.
we looked at shoes and shirt only.
but end up we also never buy anything.
at night i went bowling with my aunt and company.
we played for about 5 to 6 rounds at safra before we end the game.
and by the time already 1am liao ler.
my best score was 165.
and a turkey for my 4th game!
hah. u call it luck?
for my information luck doesn't come 3 times!
bowling was great but it caused my finger to hurt.
i find it hard to draw for my dnt and write too.
Wonder how am i going to survive for the next few days.
it's my thumb that hurts luh.
today morning i didn't go for soccer because i wake up that time very tired,
so i decided to pass this week.
kong jiak oso say maybe not playing the court so a little bit sian.
but i all makes sense,play court use court rules.
must share with other people the court with next team.
for the afternoon i have been doing a little dnt and watching steven chow de old show.
got spell correctly not? if never muz correct me hor.
now so HOT i cannot take it liao i wanna go bath liao.
that's it for now guys!
Party World ♥
Friday, April 18, 2008
9:16 PM
YEAH! Today is definitely a very rocking day!
haha! we went out until late late having fun all day singing!
I hope i did mend back her suppose to be broken heart (3) (:
Friday friday to day is a friday!
we went out had a great fast walk in the night enjoying the night breeze.
we will have a chance to walk slowly in the night one day de!
looking at the bright moon as we walk down the lane at xishan.
I realise that everytime we walk down the lane it's a different feeling,
i don't know u realised this or not. But every time we walk down the lane we carry a different feeling as we walk down. sometimes happy,hyper.emo,tired,angry,sad,sticky,silent and today feeling close?(:
yup something likdat. just a very good feeling jiu shi ler(:
i walk home as i pass by the temple opposite the multi purpose area,
i saw the street soccer court. it makes me excited!
this sunday going to have play at the court liao.
i think i will go early liao likdat! yea ah!
looking forward to sunday except for botak!
never ever look forward to him.
tmr do dnt sunday aftnoon go cc do again,
unless kong jiak cannot go liao then cai reconsider.
In school i went for the group coaching,
Miss Tan wl seems not bad leh.
she last time always scold us but today she gave me a different prospective of her.
so i'll be learning lower sec math for basic huh!
great man,that's wad i need.
learn to crawl or hone my crawling skills again,
then when i start walking and running i'll be ahead of all of the ppl!
yoo hoo! now at home resting liao ler.
think i shall end soon huh.
my go rest my voice and my everything (:
gotta try to finish my story book to read.
takkair everyone!
I love today!
Labels: Party World
Study room day ♥
Thursday, April 17, 2008
9:02 PM
Today maths got test.
Definitely not fun at all. so difficult.
i wanna consider dropping band leh.
In Mr teo band i'll feel like o lvl sure fail liao.
Demoralize me even i haven do my o level paper liao leh.
must let us do paper raise our moral de mahz.
After school went to study room with WAK and ltr Yu Xuan joined(:
I went off at 4.30 and then came back at 5.30pm.
went away 1 hour leaving wak alone but when i come back so many bags.
got more companion leh,so good.haha!
i told yu xuan we can do this more often lor.
But see the busy man wak got spare time not lor.
sian tmr must see miss tan for small group coaching.
wonder how she's like.
she looks fierce but definitely that wun scare me.
worst come to worst walk off!
hah! see who's the finally winner.
i think i have to continue to go do my dnt.
Must finish up soon ler. monday must hand up.
think must use chim chim words for my blog liao,
must improve my english liao!
yea,i think i'll try!
takkair everyone!
Labels: Study Day
Soccer day(: ♥
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
9:43 PM
today is soccer day! hah!
nan de kong jiak dun have to meet his qin ka min.
so we had soccer,at first is at bball court.
then rain super heavy! wth!
then we slack slack a while then an idea struck our mind!
"why not go indoor sports hall to play?"
then we all moved in and start havoc!
haha. "it was really fun mah" quoted from shafiq.
i agree with this statement.
however this may be bias because it was a comment by shafiq from 5N1.
he wanted to influence my mind,therefore it is a bias source.
haha! all my nonsense from history and ss.
hao lah the game was crazy?exciting?thrilling?
definitely all of the above! i enjoyed myself.
oh,i saw a scar on her head juz now.
now heart got scar also liao? haha.
yup,it takes time for wounds to heal hope urs heal beautifully (:
trying to do modeling now.
but very difficult leh. UHU glue so weak de.
think going to do folio now.tmr copy chinese (:
hehe. good mood huh.
can let people bully me today because in good mood. haha!
hao lah shall end here.
soccer today rox huh!
wak ,shafiq ,qing wen, alif ,subash ,chong soon ,raj.(we can do that again..yeah!)
takkair everyone out there!
apologize ♥
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
11:28 PM
Dear Kianru,
a letter of apology to you. sorry wor that i have made u sad for today.truly sorry wor. must forgive me ah. cannot sad too long also ah. eh now talking on the phone and u dunno i writing this. haha give u a surprise when u nxt time see it.(:
must live happily ever after.the end
from daniel.
bored ♥
11:18 PM
today school ended at 2.45! woo shiok!
but then sian luh.
then went home to sleep because very tired.
sleep from 5 to 8pm.
i didn't want to wake up de..but mummy say must eat.
ya so,wad the heck,i waoke up to eat.
had to do my letter writing and tmr i wan to do my dnt!
must do modeling and then do folio because friday must hand in.
today yu xuan came to school dunno do wad,haha forget liao.
then never go meet him.
now he say me liao(:
sorry luh yu xuan!
okay i am tired, guess there's nothing to blog about.
only that cheryl haven add me msn today although she say will add me de.
then nicole online i haven take song frm her she offline liao.
nights everyone!
fuck the rain ♥
Monday, April 14, 2008
7:08 PM
Today is definately not a good day!
Stupid weather!! sunday so hot dun wan rain! knn!
i walking out of school then comes heavy drops of rain.
going home that time rain until water is foc likdat!
wet my precious bag! knn!
i curse and swear at god,and wished a car would bang me down.
ah..that's wad i always do when i am angry then anyhow think de.
then i decided to walked in the big rain that time got one damn long de lightning appear!
i was so scared that i went back into the void deck and wished lightning will not strike me.
so hum ji lor.
ate potato chips at the void deck until i finish then i just chiong in the rain lah.
heck care liao ler.
damn pissed of with the stupid rain because it make my bag damn wet!
end up i washed it because it is already wet liao then shun bian give it a good bath ler lor.
argh,dun wan talk about the stupid weather liao lah.
then i bought my board liao,will try to do D&T model tonight.
but i got no glue leh,maybe cut out first tomorrow go buy liao then do lor.
qing wen choose the colour like choosing wife likdat.
can't seems to make up his mind,but well that's him like how we knew him.
well today i am in a bad mood so this is where i shall end bah.
Good Sunday ♥
Sunday, April 13, 2008
9:05 PM
Today soccer got ahboon,chong soon,shafiq and me..and special mention federick(who would have thought of him..haha! but he is damn funny.)
so many own ppl more fun.
but got some people early in the morning jiu go until expo there liao.
wah so mai li wor.bu jian de ask him go out oso so mai li leh.
haha. he is an idiot,but still our best friend. (:
today botak nv irritate dao me but he hurt our dear shafiq #*@%$@*
i promise not to scold bad words together with sweetie ler (:
and chong soon keep using hand ah boon say him..hee..
and the other ppl oso say he irritating use hand. boo him!
today was suppose to meet up yu xuan de,but at home last min steamboat leh.
thinnk he angry because i last min cancel meeting with him.
he nv reply me nor reply my msn too. fine lor.
yupz.. let's move on.
steamboat was great,i juz lost fats today morning
and mum had to put back all the fats ):
ee..i dun really like fish but i like meat ball.
oh ya,today aft soccer went to eat with Qing Wen & fat derick.
haha. we went to a 200 plus coffeeshop.
the auntie say last day liao selling a cup of coke for $0.70.
bluff ppl lah,aiyo u and i know the coke plus so many ice inside sure is tio con also de mah.
then stupid qing wen still go disturb auntie,basket.
tonight nothing special lor..steamboat nia.
later muz do journal (:
if not Mr Tay angry de.
Poh lim say i fa fu liao.
see lah mummy!
still feed me eat so much, i fa fu liao! fa fu! can u hear that!
hao lah i think i blog quite long liao.
if only my journal oso so easy to write lor. haha
journal cannot likdat write,mr tay will write comment say i play too much de.
on the average,today's fun!!
today is a good hair day too (:
loves today! if she was here things would be so much better (: loves..
A hungry saturday ♥
Saturday, April 12, 2008
9:45 PM

with a lousy sticker only.
today i wake up quite early,because got someone hor wake up early mah (:
then i started to play lots of games.
i started out with my psp de fifa street,
then went to play my computer de game.
made me feel like i useless for the whole day because i slacked! haha.
after i ate my snacks at 11,i never ate anything else until 7pm.
quite hungry.(or was it super hungry until dunno ler(: )
then at dinner suddenly so many things to eat lor.
eat til now going to explode liao.haha!
today laopo went scuba diving lor.
she did have fun(:
she was very happy when she msg me.
that's good ah.
i had my fun last year liao.
i admit i was a really fun activity.
too bad we cannot go again because mr soh says cannot.
fat soh! (:
tmr soccer,hoped it wun be a bad one because i will sacrificed my bowling with my 3rd aunt tmr.
haix think of last week de soccer jiu sian.
hope history wun repeat then.
takkair bah everyone!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
3:35 PM
Today went home early,went to eat with shafiq and Qing Wen.
Wak disappeared,ya we should know where de go de.(standard)
1 plus jiu reach home liao ler....so bored.
Ltr still have to go meet someone oh,which is now meeting miss siti now.
Mr Tay didn't come to class!! so good man! slack and listen to music!
but we did do our work ok!I did my composition but not my letter writing.
misplaced my ring at kong jiak house,today morning just take back only. haha!
luckily dun need to pull my ear... :)
yup..think that is all for this afternoon,if ltr at night got story then i shall blog again.
dunno later got soccer not stupid alif haven reply me.
ok....so if got soccer ltr most probably later got story to tell (:
good luck to qw de friendly match later.
bye everyone
good bad day ♥
Thursday, April 10, 2008
10:33 PM
today is a good and bad day.
i made her gave up her cake,so guilty.
but then i pei her go back school :) .
become she gulity. haha!
but it's alright hor! dun worry!
went to wak house,then went home.
let him and his kah min have some privacy.
hope i spelled the name correctly huh. haha!
homeworks homeworks..blah blah.
Mr tay is back,which means homework is back.haha!
today we won i-class cleanliness. yeah!
next is class spirit,then discipline then finally excellence!
yeah we rock!
boo ajit! u sux! ur class so dirty dun talk to me dirty fellow!
yeah just look at our class and compare..tsk tsk.
hao lah laopo ask me go teach her redox already.
so i have to go ler! if not laopo pull my ear liao!
bye everyone! (laopo rushing me ler)
thx kianru for the tagboard?haha ♥
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
8:06 PM
Yesterday something funny happened,haha real funny.
it goes like this,
i was sleeping frm the evening until at night,
then my mum called.
"Hey where are u! so late liao still dun wan come home!!?"
then i said "huh?..mummy..i at home lah,in my room sleeping luh..!"
"oh i tot u still at outside bu she de come home"said mummy
~End of story~
haha mummy is blur lah.
today nothing funny happened i think..hmm..
yep..really nothing funny happen.
gotta do homework and today school crank up,
gave us wrong vocab test,think tmr have to retake test.
sian luh!
looking forward to next soccer although i sux at it(:
*(go pick the ball!)*
ah blah blah dunno wad i saying
Sunday, April 06, 2008
9:54 PM
Today went out(:
it was fun,accept that someone was late.
so the fun didn't lasted long but it was a good experience.
if got more chances to do it and future also not bad ah.haha!
soccer today was lousy,definitely not a good one to rmb!
everyone had to be so sucky to a noob like me.
haha,but can't be blamed,guess they were too fussed up bah.
Ah what the heck lah who cares.
went out alot today,although is try to study
but i learn a little only today.
eat burger! so shiok.
gotta eat again tmr,uncle one ramily burger! hah!
bye then,today is my first blog but guess there wun be ppl reading!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
8:21 PM